There are many ways to give back while you are on Ambergris Caye (or other parts of Belize):
Island schools & other organizations would be thrilled to receive needed supplies:
The mission of Saga Humane Society is “to replace cruelty with kindness to all animals.” They do this by supplying medical care and shelter to animals in need, subsidizing veterinary care to low income families, and operating animal adoption and public education programs. They are constantly working toward a long term solution to end animal abuse, neglect and overpopulation. See what’s on the humane society’s wishlist here **. (Not on the wishlist but what they can also always use are empty prescription pill bottles!!) Alternatively, consider making a financial donation here.

Ambergris Caye Elementary School is a privately run non-profit school serving 100+ students on Ambergris Caye. ACES focuses on quality education by providing a low student to teacher ratio, interventions, remedial help and extracurricular activities. Fundraisers are constantly being held but resources are limited, which places the burden of purchasing school supplies on the parents or the teachers themselves. Your donations would lessen the burden on teachers and parents and ensure that students have adequate supplies to help enhance their education. ACES’s goal is to continue to grow and provide the children of Ambergris Caye with a quality education. See what’s on the school’s wishlist here**.
ACES Wildlife Rescue is “dedicated to the conservation and protection of Belize’s native wildlife and their critical habitats. [They] provide 24/7 emergency response to injured, ill, or orphaned wildlife, as well as crocodile/human conflict resolution achieved through scientific research, community outreach and education.” Visits to their refuge is by appointment only. You can help them out with in-kind or financial donations!.
**Note on bringing goods in to the country for donating: Where practical, remove all packaging/wrappings, as it reduces the impression that you intend to resell the items (which, unfortunately, is something that some people do even when saying they are bringing items in to the country as donations). Customs may ask you to pay duty on donations brought with you upon entering Belize, since anything brought in that is not for personal use is subject to duty (yes, even donations); duty amount is typically 20% of value but it can vary. Alternatively, you may be able to purchase some of the wishlist items in Belize (although the quality may not be the same &/or the price may be higher); in San Pedro there is a pet store and variety stores which carry some of the items on the lists. Financial donations are also welcomed by many groups of course!
Help Belizean readers by sending books to Houston which will be sent on to Ambergris Caye’s Little Free Libraries, sponsored by Belize Bookworms! Or bring books down & add them to any of the Little Free Libraries on the island; the easiest to find is located at the Boca Del Rio park (go north from Wayo’s and it’s right before the curve). Per the ‘librarian’: “We really need children’s titles, picture books, easy readers, comics…anything kids will love. Adult titles and magazines are also gobbled up and enjoyed. Just drop your donation off anytime and make someone smile!” Belizean Melody Art Gallery will take book donations & get them in to the right hands too, plus the island library would be happy with any books you’ve finished reading! (Looking for a book for yourself? See here!)
If you’d like to walk the shelter dogs or cuddle cats while on the island, contact or stop by Saga Humane Society! Want to adopt a dog or cat from Belize or be a flight volunteer for a pet whose new home is in the US or Canada? Contact Saga!
Lighten your luggage when going home! As you are packing for your trip, think about what you will use on vacation but could donate at the end of your stay–clothing, towels, nearly full bottles of bug stuff, etc. A church, school, or medical center will often readily take those kinds of donations.
Also old phones or tablets, etc, you might consider obsolete would find ready homes in Belize. (**Again, these may be subject to duty on arrival…)
Got prescription glasses to donate? The Lion’s Club in town will take them on the first Wednesday of the month, when they have an eye clinic. It would be helpful if you could attach the prescription to the glasses when donating.
And of course by visiting & spending your money in Belize, you are helping the economy & the Belizean people greatly! Remember when considering negotiating or asking for a discount — you want to offer & receive a fair price, you don’t necessarily need to get the *best* price.